Contribute to a Cause
Whether it’ is $1 or $1000, any generous donation will make a greatly positive impact on the lives of the under privileged around the world. Just a few dollars means health, education, happiness, and hope for a better, brighter life.
AFHD Is a Non-Profit 501c3 Organization – IRS Tax-Exempt ID #20-1339408 • All contributions and Donations Are Tax-Deductible as Permitted by Law.
You may send your contributions and donations via Papal by clicking Paypal button below, You will be redirected to a secure page on PayPal server.
Please select purpose of your donation from drop down menu below. You may add any special instruction in notes and your contact information during the procedure.
You may also send contributions/donations directly to the bank account,
Account title : AFHD
Account Number: 421100101
Routing No: 122234149
Bank Name and Address: Citizen Business Bank, 275 Main Street EL-Segundo, CA, 90245
Crossed cheques may be dispatch to " 23105 Kashiwa Ct. Torrance, CA 90505".